which jews…?

I found this image on a crazy anti-Zionist site:

who are the Jews?

Which ‘Jews’ do you believe are the descen­dants of the bib­li­cal ‘Israelites’?

to which I answer:

All are Jews! I am not a racist.

The site may also be anti-Semit­ic, it sure feels that way, but I’ve not had a chance to study it thoroughly.

What is Zionism?

Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people.

  • You may have always thought Jews were a reli­gion. They are that, and more.
  • Through­out the long his­to­ry of the world, many nation­al states have arisen and fall­en. Among these are the great empires of the ancient world: Sume­ria, Assyr­ia, Baby­lo­nia, Egypt, Greece, Per­sia and Rome. Many oth­er small­er states also existed. 
  • Among them those of the Jebusites, Moabites, the Ammonites and the Judahites.
  • In the ancient world, when one nation defeat­ed anoth­er, the defeat­ed peo­ple and its iden­ti­ty dis­ap­peared from the his­tor­i­cal record. There are rare instances when this did not occur and the group con­tin­ued to play a role in con­tem­po­rary affairs.
  • You will not meet a Jebusite, Moabite, nor an Ammonite in the mall, even though peo­ple now live in the area long-ago known as Jebus, Moab and Ammon.
  • You will, how­ev­er, meet descen­dants of the ancient Baby­lo­ni­ans, known today as Chaldeans, though the ancient Per­sians destroyed their empire and they have nev­er again held polit­i­cal pow­er in their land. Many Chaldeans live in Detroit, Michi­gan and San Diego, Cal­i­for­nia as well as in their native land now known as Iraq.
  • You will also meet the descen­dants of the ancient Israelites and their cousins the Judahites, known as Jews (for short).
  • Not ter­ri­bly unlike the Amer­i­can peo­ple who car­ry an ide­al of “life, lib­er­ty, and the pur­suit of hap­pi­ness,” the Jew­ish peo­ple have also car­ried a set of ideas through­out their long his­to­ry, we call this set of ideas “Judaism”. This is why Jews are thought of as being a religion.
  • Near­ly 2000 years ago, while suf­fer­ing under the oppres­sive Roman Empire’s occu­pa­tion of their land, the Jews rose up and fought for their lib­er­a­tion. Fol­low­ing two major upris­ings – that spanned gen­er­a­tions – Rome destroyed near­ly all ves­tiges of their pres­ence in their land. The west­ern retain­ing wall of their Tem­ple still stands as a reminder of their sov­er­eign­ty. Ruins of meet­ing hous­es, known as syn­a­gogues are found through­out the land.
  • Dur­ing the fol­low­ing two mil­len­nia, while many Jews con­tin­ued to live in the Land of Israel, many oth­er Jews lived among oth­er peo­ples, suf­fer­ing with their sor­rows and shar­ing in their suc­cess­es; often attacked for being the out­sider. In the late 1800s Jews all over the world began return­ing to the land of their origin.
  • They orga­nized to make this pos­si­ble. Jews raised mon­ey and pur­chased land. They trained them­selves to farm and work in indus­try. They estab­lished the infra­struc­ture of a new soci­ety.
  • This effort is called Zion­ism. The fruit of this effort is Israel.
  • Jews of every col­or and race, from every cor­ner of the world are wel­comed to return to rebuild their soci­ety in the mod­ern State of Israel. Zion­ism is not racism.

leafleting in cyberspace

As I report­ed here on June 8, I have been active explain­ing my under­stand­ing of the “#Flotil­la” inci­dent on Twit­ter. Since then:

  • #Flotil­la con­tin­ues 2 drop on Twit­ter trends http://bit.ly/aHWLaI > http://bit.ly/cxwmfx rate of tweets decreas­ing. #Israel #Gaza
  • While busy tweet­ing #Flotil­la I lost some reg­u­lar fol­low­ers, but gained many oth­ers, odd. Return­ing > reg­u­lar behav­ior #Israel #Gaza

more #flotilla tweets

I con­tin­ue to expe­ri­ence and doc­u­ment some anti-Semi­tism online:

Jun 20, 2010 2:42:19 PM

whum­ba Jew­ish Mon­ey chang­ers bank­ing Scam Unit­ed States Fed­er­al Reserve http://bit.ly/c4KCsK #Israel #tcot #Pol­i­tics #ocra #ucot #Flotil­la

Jun 20, 2010 2:47:24 PM
floatyaboat RT @Amna_Saeed: even the small­est chil­dren of Gaza have more courage than the IDF nazis. #gaza #israel #flotil­la http://twitpic.com/1yih5b

Jun 20, 2010 2:57:31 PM
michaelt53 RT @whumba: Jew­ish Mon­ey chang­ers bank­ing Scam Unit­ed States Fed­er­al Reserve http://bit.ly/c4KCsK #Israel #tcot #Pol­i­tics ocra ucot Flotilla
michaelt53 RT @whumba: George Soros is a crim­i­nal — Insid­er trad­ing con­vic­tion of Soros is pend­ing http://is.gd/3zpZq #Israel #tcot Pol­i­tics #Flotil­la

whum­ba Gold­man Sachs: Your tax dol­lars belongs to them http://bit.ly/cVRwWR #Israel #tcot #Pol­i­tics #ocra #ucot #Flotil­la #tea­party

Jun 20, 2010 3:04:44 PM
obi­nine RT @dustmapper: Inter­na­tion­al Jew­ish Anti-Zion­ist Net­work — http://ijsn.net #israel #pales­tine #flotil­la #judaism #zion­ism #war #occu­pa­tion

new tweets as the situation changes

I have begun to feel as if my Twit­ter efforts fol­low in foot­steps of Isaac of Tro­ki, a mod­est form of Hiz­zuk Emu­nah חזוק אמונה, for an updat­ed situation.
In alpha­bet­i­cal order, though I gen­er­al­ly ran­dom­ize them before posting:

1 year after #Iran stolen elec­tion, tell UN Human Rights Coun­cil: end its silence! Join AJC’s cam­paign — http://bit.ly/9J5axL #Flotil­la

1948 #Pales­tine Arab pop­u­la­tion encour­aged to leave #Israel by Arab lead­ers http://bit.ly/a2PUh2 #Flotil­la #Gaza #Pales­tine

1948 Promis­ing to purge land of Jews. 68% left with­out ever see­ing an #Israel sol­dier http://bit.ly/a2PUh2 #Flotil­la #Gaza #Pales­tine

1949 #Israel offer 100,000 refugees return, if repa­tri­a­tion linked > nego­ti­a­tions. REJECTED #Gaza #Pales­tine #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/agnIUM

MK Zoabi: Israel want­ed high­est # of fatal­i­ties,” http://bit.ly/b7MIYb Why did­n’t Israel bring snipers & pick them off frm copter #Flotil­la

MK Zoabi: Israel want­ed high­est num­ber of fatal­i­ties,” http://bit.ly/b7MIYb If so, why were there only 9?! #Flotil­la #Gaza

“stu­dents will die, / will not accept humil­i­a­tion”, chant­ed at Tehran U. http://bit.ly/boADYf Where is Inter­na­tion­al Left? #Flotil­la #Gaza

“The Left only con­cerned w/ using con­cept of #Pales­tine free­dom as weapon against #Israel free­dom”? http://bit.ly/cOpasE #Gaza #Flotil­la

@MEPapers: NY Times Help to Find #Flotil­la Plan­ners’ #Ter­ror­ist Ties: Here’s A Start > Research #IHH #Islam http://bit.ly/bcI8jl

@notleftwing Madrid gay pride march bans #Israelis > #Gaza #flotil­la http://bit.ly/afImVF Odd, gays n oth­er ME coun­tries killed #GLBT

@skshazaa 4 most of us arnd wrld, d issue not exis­tence / Israel; con­cern is actions / some Jews in name / Israel \ Twit­ter evi­dence differs

# Arab refugees left #Israel 1948 ±630,000. # Jews < Arab lands about same http://bit.ly/aaTh1w #Israel #Gaza #Pales­tine #Flotil­la

#Egypt girls slaves in #Gaza http://bit.ly/9tf11o #Iran rapes vir­gins keep them < par­adise http://bit.ly/bffmcf #Israel blamed worlds ills!?

#Ergo­dan pas­sion­ate­ly inter­est­ed > #Gaza human rights or pas­sion­ate­ly inter­est­ed in chang­ing sub­ject? http://elid.in/g/agentina #Flotil­la

#Flotil­la Ken O’Keefe: Used Vio­lence in Accor­dance w/ Prin­ci­ples of Mahat­ma Gand­hi http://bit.ly/deWrAo \ Yeah, right: http://bit.ly/akcMbA

#Flotil­la Ken O’Keefe: vio­lence accord­ing 2 Gand­hi prin­ci­ples http://bit.ly/deWrAo \ Gand­hi on Jews & Hitler: http://bit.ly/akcMbA #Israel

#Flotil­la probe; thou­sands sup­port it. #Israel #Gaza http://bit.ly/bpzFz4

#Gaza #Flotil­la Mar­itime Mar­tyrs http://bit.ly/au2FXp

#Hamas has brought noth­ing to the Pales­tini­ans in the #Gaza Strip oth­er than death and dis­as­ter. http://bit.ly/9EkFl0 #Flotil­la

#Iran pro-govt media oblig­ed 2 rprt mil­lions n streets > protest against #Israel #Gaza #Flotil­la. But nt show pho­tos http://bit.ly/d7eKPV

#Pales­tine Prime Min­is­ter Fayyad’s pop­u­lar­i­ty improves: http://bit.ly/c4VSdp \ by not sup­port­ing #Gaza #Flotil­la ?

#Pales­tine Refugees are the ONLY refugees that have their own UN orga­ni­za­tion http://bit.ly/c8jY3B #Gaza #Israel #Flotil­la Why unique?

#Turkey blocks YouTube http://bit.ly/gzfltll5 YouTube blocks pro- #Israel satire #Gaza #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/c6CfeY “don’t be evil” Google

#Turkey Erdo­gan bears respon­si­bil­i­ty in #flotil­la fias­co (Wash­ing­ton Post) http://bit.ly/gzfltll10 #Gaza #Israel #Pales­tine

#Turkey forms #flotil­la c’tee: “No trust that #Israel can con­duct an objec­tive probe.” Add your voice! http://bit.ly/bpzFz4

access #Gaza / sea rte 2 avoid suf­fer­ing > over­land route thrgh #Egypt Rafah cross http://bit.ly/aanEbH \ #Flotil­la break #Israel blockade?

Ahmadine­jad: Jews Seem Human; Advnc Steps 2 Implm­nt Pln 2 Chnge Wrld; Deliv­er Amer­i­ca < Its Dic­ta­tor Gvt. http://bit.ly/dbvCd0 #Iran #Israel

Amaz­ing world, you’ve got to love it: Egyp­tians protest­ing police bru­tal­i­ty beat­en up… by police. http://bit.ly/98J2cF #Egypt

Ann Wright #Flotil­la ‘Mur­der’ Admits She Did Not See the Events \ what of oth­er “wit­ness­es”? http://bit.ly/cjESxI

Anti- #Israel reports tell of some­one shot at point-blank range. Well, yes, it was hand-to-hand com­bat. What did they expect? #Flotil­la #Gaza

Arab refugees INTENTIONALLY not absorbed/integrated > Arab lands, despite vast Arab ter­ri­to­ry http://bit.ly/palsau

As a life-long left­ist http://bit.ly/dvkmh it’s hard to accept #Gaza, #Iran and the Left­’s Dou­ble Stan­dard http://bit.ly/boADYf #Flotil­la

as non-Jew, journo & lefty, 3pl moral duty w/ Israel, ’cause if #Israel destroyed, lib­er­ty, moder­ni­ty & cul­ture w/ it. http://bit.ly/cOpasE

Biggest UNRWA donors not Arab coun­tries (which caused prob­lem) but EU & USA. http://bit.ly/dd3CYn #Flotil­la #Pales­tine #Gaza #Israel

Birth rate/population growth in #Pales­tine ter­ri­to­ries 1 of high­est in world (No. 26223) http://bit.ly/aGDWvn #Flotil­la #Gaza #Israel

blame Arab League > refusal 2 rec­og­nize 1947 UN par­ti­tion, start war 2 pre­vent imple­ment & results > war: #Nak­ba http://bit.ly/a6ezFw

Break fake state #Lebanon http://bit.ly/bnPQZ1 blockade/ #Israel !? http://bit.ly/bggfDN trav­el >Israel-cntr­lld prt ille­gal. #Flotil­la #Gaza

Call for a #Flotil­la probe: add your voice! #Israel #Gaza http://bit.ly/bezmY5

Can a “ Free­dom #Flotil­la ” going from the Turk­ish occu­pied part of #Cyprus towards #Gaza be con­sid­ered “irony”? http://bit.ly/bBQGeW

Can Pales­tini­ans gain Sau­di cit­i­zen­ship? No. http://bit.ly/palsau Who’s racist?

Chil­dren of #Hamas http://youtu.be/eTGbP55HGi8 #Flotil­la

Crit­i­cism miss­es fact: rel­a­tive silence in face sys­tem­at­ic exter­mi­na­tion of mil­lions Muslim/Arab regimes http://bit.ly/bvnS03 #Flotil­la

Dwin­dling pub­lic sup­port for #Iran regime. http://bit.ly/d7eKPV

elizwei­land Why Israel ignores glob­al crit­i­cism of Gaza flotil­la raid — CSMonitor.com: http://bit.ly/bGS8fD «inter­est­ing analysis

End reli­gious theoc­ra­cy & #Apartheid state! #Gaza #Flotil­la #Israel http://bit.ly/9BJRgK maybe not what you’re thinking

End reli­gious theoc­ra­cy & #Apartheid state! #Gaza #Flotil­la #Israel http://bit.ly/9BJRgK strange world out there

End reli­gious theoc­ra­cy & #Apartheid state! You are not wel­come here! #Gaza #Flotil­la #Israel http://bit.ly/9BJRgK

End the #Apartheid state! #Gaza #Flotil­la #Israel… see abhor­rent sign: http://bit.ly/dmoyJo maybe not what you’re thinking

End the #Apartheid state! #Gaza #Flotil­la #Israel… see abhor­rent signs of the times: http://bit.ly/dmoyJo be care­ful where you drive

Erdo­gan defends Sudan Pres. Omar al-Bashir, indict­ed by ICC > kill 500,000 Sudan Xians & non-Arab Mus­lims http://bit.ly/cg7O9M #Flotil­la

Erdo­gan: “The heart of human­i­ty has tak­en one of her heav­i­est wounds in his­to­ry” / #Arme­nia? #Gaza #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/rdgnspch

Erdo­gan: “The heart of human­i­ty has tak­en one of her heav­i­est wounds in his­to­ry” / #Dar­fur? #Gaza #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/rdgnspch

Erdo­gan: “The heart of human­i­ty has tak­en one of her heav­i­est wounds in his­to­ry” / #Grozny? #Gaza #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/rdgnspch

Erdo­gan: “The heart of human­i­ty has tak­en one of her heav­i­est wounds in his­to­ry” / over­state­ment? #Gaza #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/rdgnspch

Erdo­gan: #Turkey mil #Cyprus gar­ri­son since 1974 “not occu­pi­er… [ensure] peace.” #Gaza #Israel #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/cg7O9M who’s fooled

Fan­tas­tic #Flotil­la tilts at medieval wind­mills #Gaza #Israel http://bit.ly/agnwnd

First con­demn then inves­ti­gate! http://bit.ly/aFZqkR

Girls from #Egypt sold into #slav­ery in (poor starv­ing?!) #Gaza. http://bit.ly/9tf11o

Good read: http://bit.ly/8YaDzB #Israel defend­ed well by Aus­tralian jour­nal­ist. Most com­ments agree. #Gaza #Flotil­la

Google: Israel & geno­cide = 13,600,000 hits. Sudan & geno­cide <9,000,000. Skewed num­bers: great decep­tion http://bit.ly/bvnS03

Gun-smug­gling Bish­op Capuc­ci on #Gaza #Flotil­la. How human­i­tar­i­an was it’s intent? http://bit.ly/aie9Pc http://bit.ly/9LgB9z

HAMAS SERMON OF THE DAY http://bit.ly/9ar83N What would you do if this was your neigh­bor? #Israel #Gaza #Flotil­la #Hamas

Hard to blame stuff like this on Israel. http://bit.ly/9iMYV8

How Can Turkey be Dragged to Brink of War by a NGO? Turk­ish Colum­nists Crit­i­cize Gov­ern­ment on #Gaza #Flotil­la Clash http://bit.ly/bDv1nj

How many Arabs/Muslims have been killed in Rus­sia or France? Who cares? http://bit.ly/bvnS03

Human­i­tar­i­an #Erdo­gan #Turkey leader vows 2 ‘anni­hi­late’ #Kurd rebels http://bit.ly/bT9MhV \ 0 UN com­ment on nxt #geno­cide #Flotil­la

human­i­tar­i­ans in alliance with cruel/bankrupt #Iran theoc­ra­cy, reli­gio-nation­al­ist #Turkey dem­a­gogue, & #Hamas ? http://is.gd/cQ5KF

If Gazans thought they might need to eat, why did they destroy green­hous­es when #Israel left #Gaza #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/9iMYV8

IHH: Inter­na­tion­al Hyper­ven­ti­lat­ed Hypocrisy #Flotil­la #Gaza #Israel http://huff.to/dpNpSM

Imag­ine if Red Cross had mil­i­tary wing train­ing ter­ror­ists to attack/kill civil­ians & launch mis­siles > pop­u­la­tion cen­ters. #Flotil­la #Gaza

In the name of anti-impe­ri­al­ism left-wing activists den­i­grate uni­ver­sal­ism as neo­colo­nial­ism http://bit.ly/bcEPGd WHY?

Iraqi Author ‘Aref ‘Alwan: The Jews Have an His­toric Right to Pales­tine http://bit.ly/a6ezFw #Flotil­la #Gaza #Pales­tine #Israel #Zion­ism

Is it human­i­tar­i­an to make con­tri­bu­tions to a rul­ing par­ty that has a total­i­tar­i­an & racist ide­ol­o­gy #Flotil­la #Gaza http://is.gd/cQ5KF

Jew­ish refugees flee < Arab lands due to Arab bru­tal­i­ty, per­se­cu­tion & pogroms. http://bit.ly/bCuqVY #Israel #Gaza #Pales­tine #Flotil­la

Jews have his­toric right 2 #Pales­tine ’cause pres­ence there pre­ced­ed Arab con­quest & has con­tin­ued 2 today. http://bit.ly/a6ezFw #Flotil­la

José María Aznar Sup­port #Israel: if it goes down, we all go down http://bit.ly/cFu8HI #Gaza #Flotil­la

Judt: #Israel nego­ti­ate w/ #Hamas; ques­tion: why nt now \ But char­ter exclude pos­si­ble: negotiate/recognize http://bit.ly/d2ta73 #Flotil­la

Just as dozens of states define them­selves as Chris­t­ian or Mus­lim, so Israel has a right to define itself as Jew­ish http://bit.ly/bALpzA

Just as Fin­land has a right to exist as a state for the Fins… http://bit.ly/finlandreturn #Flotil­la #Israel #Gaza #Flotil­la

Just as France has a right to exist as a state for French peo­ple, Chi­na for Chi­nese peo­ple, Egypt for Egypt­ian peo­ple and so on. #Flotil­la

Just as Liberia has a right to exist as a state for Amer­i­can Black expa­tri­ates http://bit.ly/racistliberia #Flotil­la #Israel #Gaza #Flotil­la

Ken O’Keefe: vio­lence on #Flotil­la accord­ing 2 Gand­hi prin­ci­ples http://bit.ly/deWrAo \ pas­sive resis­tance? http://bit.ly/akcMbA #Israel

Khaled Abu Toameh 1 thing to help Pales­tini­ans in the #Gaza Strip, but it is anoth­er thing to help #Hamas. http://bit.ly/9EkFl0 #Flotil­la

Kyr­gyz ram­page > #Kyr­gyzs­tan, slaugh­ter Uzbeks, burn hous­es 100+ killed. Intrntnl out­rage?! #Flotil­la #Gaza #Israel http://bit.ly/aXJ8iZ

Let­ter to All Good Peo­ple. #Israel #Gaza #Flotil­la sad­ly still far too cur­rent http://bit.ly/bgAXhl

Life expct­ncy #Gaza: 73.46 yrs http://bit.ly/cSgvMw #Pales­tine trrtrs 73.5 http://bit.ly/bqO1up #Turkey 72 http://bit.ly/bqXnc9 / hum criss?

Madrid gays plan ‘Gay Pride Parade’ thru #Gaza in sup­port of Pales­tin­ian brethren (imag­ine improb­a­ble!) #Flotil­la #GLBT http://bit.ly/afImVF

Madrid Pride, drug/­sex/­dance-fest, be tak­en > oth­er venue: #Gaza, maybe, Ramal­lah? Tehran? Riyadh? #GLBT #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/9PscVx

March 2010, Erdo­gan denied #Turkey killed #Arme­nia civil­ians. Why believe him? http://bit.ly/cg7O9M #Flotil­la #Israel #Geno­cide #Gaza

Masked gun­men raid­ed UN children’s camp, tear­ing down tents & burn­ing stor­age build­ings. our friends #Hamas ? #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/9DyFvR

Maybe I missed it where were glob­al protests & out­raged peo­ple over #Hamas reject­ing the #Flotil­la aid? #Israel #Gaza http://bit.ly/a0S6kt

Next ship 2 break Israel’s block­ade… come on 1 con­di­tion: bring food & sup­plies also > Gilad Shalit #Gaza #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/cBmMaf

no 1 in Europe cares about 40,000 dead Arabs if Arabs do killing… if you can’t blame Jews, it ain’t news http://bit.ly/bALpzA #Flotil­la

No one cares about the 12 mil­lion Ger­mans forced out of East­ern Europe in 1945. #Pales­tine #Israel #Gaza #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/bALpzA

On ground, up close & per­son­al, Dis­patch­es from #Gaza http://bit.ly/bXqMYV shared with Ta’An­it Tzedek-Jew­ish Fast for #Gaza #Flotil­la

Pales­tini­ans killed /Israel n ter­ri­to­ries since 1967 = ±5078. By Bosn­ian Serbs n Sre­breni­ca July 1995 ±8000 http://bit.ly/bvnS03 #Flotil­la

Pales­tini­ans killed /Israel n ter­ri­to­ries since 1967 = ±5078. By King Hus­sein 1971 10,000 to 25,000 http://bit.ly/bvnS03 Out­rage? #Flotil­la

Pales­tini­ans killed /Israel n ter­ri­to­ries since 1967 = ±5078. Syr­ia n Hama 1982 = 7,000 to 40,000 http://bit.ly/bxWYx7 Out­rage? #Flotil­la

Peace mis­sion? IHH & ter­ror: read Dan­ish Insti­tute For Inter­na­tion­al Stud­ies report: (dwnld pdf) http://ht.ly/1UrM0 #Gaza #Flotil­la

Rami Has­san, Hezbol­lah muse­um guide, gazed in direc­tion > Israel. “I don’t see Israel, I only see Occu­pied Pales­tine.” http://bit.ly/c07xp8

Rels btwn Xians & Mus­lims hard, ’cause Mus­lims don’t diff btwn rel & pol, rel­e­gates Xians = non-cit­i­zens http://bit.ly/9GnjEQ #Pales­tine

RT @adamkratt: FACT: 5 boats board­ed, pro­test­ers complied/ safe­ly let 2 shore \ why 1 not? http://tinyurl.com/2dxhrhc #Flotil­la #Gaza

RT @avinunu: \Arab despots cow­er n palaces, peaceful/courageous cit­i­zens con­front mur­der­ous apartheid enti­ty #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/9BJRgK

RT @D_Sequin: #flotil­la orga­nized to re-brand #Hamas & oth­er ter­ror­ists = *Free­dom Fight­ers* & sui­cide Jihadists = *human rights activists*

RT @Fag4peace: Mus­lims are killing Mus­lims by d thou­sands in #mosques & #mar­ket http://bit.ly/aJtv3H #LGBT #Flotil­la #Gay #Les­bian #Israel

RT @freegilad: Gilad remains under Hamas block­ade in #Gaza receiv­ing no human­i­tar­i­an aid. #FreeGi­lad­Shalit #Israel (via @Offred1) #Flotil­la

RT @gabrielsherman: What’s behind Turkey’s flotil­la tantrum? Neo-Otto­ma­nia! Hansen & Erdo­gan’s mus­cu­lar for­eign pol­i­cy: http://bit.ly/9KtQog

RT @heldervieiracom: For the record — Abbas to Oba­ma: I’m against lift­ing of #Gaza block­ade http://bit.ly/cAx5XU #free­dom­flotil­la #flotil­la

RT @MaxBlumenthal: NBC breaks media blckd. #Gaza liv­ing “120 sq mile prison” \ & miles / love­ly beach­es, luxe din­ing http://www.rootsclub.ps

RT @memeorandumFH: Kuwaiti Jour­nal­ist: Flotil­la Was Vio­lent; Israel Has Right 2 Defend Itself (MEMRI) http://mrand.us/=dlZ \ unusu­al source

RT @noatishby: Some Gaza Flotil­la facts before the anti-Israel sto­ry becomes the only real­i­ty — http://is.gd/cOthe my new blog,

RT @notleftwing Madrid gay pride march bans #Israelis > #Gaza #flotil­la raids http://chilp.it/526e87 Odd, gays in oth­er ME coun­tries killed

RT @ohiomail If Hamas Cared About #Pales­tine or #Gaza They’d Smug­gle IN Food & Meds Instead Of Rock­ets & Arms PPL Wake Up #Flotil­la #Israel

RT @ranimustafa: Erdogan-“Problem w/ #Israel gov­’t, not peo­ple”. If so y #Turkey pull out J’lem Shoah conf.? http://bit.ly/ak6jGW #Flotil­la

RT @Ruthanasia: RT @doug442 #Rus­sia prais­es Israel decide 2 probe #Flotil­la asslt \ probe #Grozny http://bit.ly/grzdvk http://bit.ly/cklawI

RT @truthdigger: Mah­moud Abbas & Egypt want #Israel #Gaza block­ade 2 stay http://goo.gl/j6dl #flotil­la \ Know what’s good > selves & others

RT @undhimmi #Turkey Invades Sov­er­eign Nation, Kills 4 Kurds. Crick­ets Chirp. http://is.gd/cSLXc #Flotil­la #Israel #Gaza

RT @VeraFortune: #Gaza #truth #Con­cen­tra­tionCamp http://ow.ly/1Zzhu #israel #flotil­la #zion­ism #hamas

RT @whumba: Which ‘Jews’ do you believe are descen­dants of bib­li­cal #Israel \ All Jews! R you a racist? http://bit.ly/a7qqk0 #Gaza #Zion­ism

Say­ing #Gaza #block­ade has been imposed by #Israel alone can only be described as dis­in­for­ma­tion. http://bit.ly/aMSQKI #Egypt

Shld #Israel “Just Pack It In?” back > Poland/Germany/Iraq/Iran/Morocco? http://bit.ly/gzfltll18 or Canaan? #Flotil­la oh wait *are there!*

Shld #Israel “Just Pack It In?” back > Poland/Germany/Iraq/Morocco? http://bit.ly/gzfltll18 or Canaan? #Flotil­la Oops: http://bit.ly/lndtmln

Shld #Israel “Just Pack It In?” back > Poland/Germany/Iraq/Morocco? http://bit.ly/gzfltll18 or Canaan? #Flotil­la Oops: http://bit.ly/whtznsm

Should #Israel be told “Just Pack It In?” go back to Syria/Algeria/Iraq/Egypt/Yemen/Iran/Morocco? http://bit.ly/aaTh1w #Gaza #Flotil­la

Since seiz­ing con­trol of #Gaza in 2007, #Hamas imposed reign of ter­ror on local pop­u­la­tion. http://bit.ly/9EkFl0 #Flotil­la

Since WWII Israel/Palestine con­flict: nation­al con­flict w/ low­est # of vic­tims, but high­est # of pub­li­ca­tions. http://bit.ly/bvnS03 WHY?

Sto­ry that nev­er ends? RT @abuyazan Vien­nese Jews fac­ing harass­ment over #flotil­la http://bit.ly/9iGMTl [via @WRH_Mike_Rivero]

Ter­ror Financ­ing Aspects of the Free #Gaza #Flotil­la http://is.gd/cIPgv?=b2jl \ but of course nobody cares about that

That Israel wor­thy of crit­i­cism ’cause of demo­c­ra­t­ic pre­tens­es = Ori­en­tal­ism at worst. Assump­tion: Arabs & Mus­lims = retard­ed child of world

That Israel wor­thy of crit­i­cism ’cause of demo­c­ra­t­ic pre­tens­es = Ori­en­tal­ism at worst. not just Ori­en­tal­ism = racism http://bit.ly/bvnS03

The Arab world is sub­ject to geno­cide, it is true. http://bit.ly/bvnS03 #Flotil­la #Gaza #Israel

The Left con­cerned w/ free­dom > peo­ple / #Syr­ia #Yemen #Iran #Sudan or oth­er such nations? http://bit.ly/cOpasE #Flotil­la #Gaza #Israel

The PA has a hard time rec­og­niz­ing mod­ern #Israel http://bit.ly/aX4eFK Where is #Haifa ? #Flotil­la #EU \ #Gaza is a Pales­tin­ian coastal city

The Siege of #Gaza by Khaled Abu Toameh http://bit.ly/9EkFl0 #Flotil­la

U.N. spe­cial region­al coor­di­na­tor Robert Ser­ry denounced series of raids & loot­ings mount­ed by #Hamas http://bit.ly/boEfUm #Gaza #Flotil­la

UNRWA bien­ni­um bud­get > 2010 & 2011 = US$1.23 bil­lion, since 1999 $10 bil­lion in direct aid > UNRWA. http://bit.ly/dd3CYn #Flotil­la

West Bank / #Gaza poll find 89% Pales­tini­ans spprt PA leg­isla­tive elec­tion, 84% believe Fatah wll win. #Hamas #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/dtYAYm

West Bank cities appear calm despite #flotil­la inci­dent http://bit.ly/gzfltll17 why? don’t they care about their cousins in #Gaza?

Where West­ern jour­nal­ist, 2 risk wrath of #Iran secu­ri­ty forces > file report < Tehran in open air? http://bit.ly/boADYf #Flotil­la #Gaza

Why do peace­ful human­i­tar­i­ans chant about Khay­bar (or Khaibar )? http://bit.ly/bj2jNL #Gaza #Flotil­la

Why don’t Arab coun­tries meet their UNRWA pledges? #Gaza #Flotil­la #Hamas http://bit.ly/bVVnjJ

Why still #Refugee Camps in #Pales­tine Ter­ri­to­ries? Do these res­i­dents expect to “return” to #Israel? / #Gaza #Flotil­la http://bit.ly/bL9qvt

Won­der­ing if it was tru­ly a mas­sacre, why were there any sur­vivors? Some­thing doesn’t make sense. #Gaza #Flotil­la #Israel

Year from dis­put­ed #Iran elec­tions, regime impris­oned more blog­gers & jour­nal­ists than almost any oth­er in the world http://bit.ly/d7eKPV

YouTube blocks pro- #Israel satire; not 3 oth­ers > same song http://bit.ly/d1o9cM http://bit.ly/cxjauy http://bit.ly/wecon3 “don’t be evil”!

some positive thoughts

I want the read­ers to know that there are peo­ple work­ing to make the sit­u­a­tion bet­ter. There­fore I have a series of tweets that list com­mu­ni­ties and efforts to bring peo­ple togeth­er. (If you know of any­thing that should be on this list, please let me know.)

I sup­port efforts to live togeth­er http://bit.ly/bfJST1 #Israel #Pales­tine #Flotil­la
the falafel revolution

I sup­port efforts to live togeth­er http://bit.ly/cocfxU #Israel #Pales­tine #Flotil­la
Neve Shalom – Wāħat as-Salām

I sup­port efforts to live togeth­er http://www.givathaviva.org/Home #Israel #Pales­tine #Flotil­la
Givat Havi­va

I sup­port efforts to live togeth­er http://www.seedsofpeace.org/ #Israel #Pales­tine #Flotil­la
Seeds of Peace

I sup­port efforts to live togeth­er http://bit.ly/d0iChH #Israel #Pales­tine #Flotil­la
Seek­ing Com­mon Ground

I sup­port efforts to live togeth­er http://mepdn.org/ #Israel #Pales­tine #Flotil­la
Mid­dle East Peace Dia­log Network

I sup­port efforts to live togeth­er http://www.arava.org/ #Israel #Pales­tine #Flotil­la
The Ara­va Insti­tute for Envi­ron­men­tal Studies

I sup­port efforts to live togeth­er http://bit.ly/brUTF0 #Israel #Pales­tine #Flotil­la
Mid­dle East Coex­is­tence House

I sup­port efforts to live togeth­er http://www.mideastweb.org/peacechild/ #Israel #Pales­tine #Flotil­la
Peace Child Israel

I sup­port efforts to live togeth­er http://www.comet-me.org/ #Israel #Pales­tine #Flotil­la
Com­mu­ni­ty, Ener­gy and Tech­nol­o­gy in the Mid­dle East — Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment for the Com­mu­ni­ties of the South Hebron Hills

no, zionism is not racism

zionism, yes! racism, no!

zion­ism, yes! racism, no!

Date: 1977
Size: 5.1
Pin Form: straight
Print Method: cel­lu­loid

your lapel buttons

Many peo­ple have lapel but­tons. They may be attached to a favorite hat or jack­et you no longer wear, or poked into a cork-board on your wall. If you have any lay­ing around that you do not feel emo­tion­al­ly attached to, please let me know. I pre­serve these for the Jew­ish peo­ple. At some point they will all go to an appro­pri­ate muse­um. You can see all the but­tons shared to date.

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