Rabbi Richard N. Levy

דוקא/DAVKA (the journal) Nov. — Dec. 1970 — Vol. I No. 1 — The Ills of American Jewry (pages 4–11)

Some years ago I attend­ed a speech clin­ic in New York City in an attempt to over­come a stut­ter which at the time had ren­dered my speech almost total­ly incom­pre­hen­si­ble. Most of my fel­low stu­dents had sim­i­lar­ly notice­able defects, except for one young man whose speech sound­ed absolute­ly nor­mal, and none of us could fig­ure out what he was doing there. He had, he informed us, an “inter­nal stut­ter”, and inside he appar­ent­ly went through all the same gyra­tions and ago­nies as the rest of us every time he want­ed to speak–except for him the result of the ago­nies was nor­mal speech, while for us it was con­fused and ugly noise. In a sense he envied us, because he knew that he could not begin to rid him­self of his “inter­nal stut­ter” until he began to stut­ter on the out­side too, and one day he announced to us in a tone of great tri­umph that his inner gyra­tions had at last pro­duced what every­one around him rec­og­nized as an hon­est-to-good­ness stutter.

The Jew in the Unit­ed States is a lot like my friend the inter­nal stut­ter­er. While all around us black peo­ple, brown peo­ple, and Ori­en­tals are able to demon­strate quite vis­i­bly the results of their inner ago­nies of being an oppressed minor­i­ty group in Amer­i­ca, most Jews in the Unit­ed States can­not: we look white, we are for the most part very well off, and while we have very lit­tle polit­i­cal pow­er, we do play a major role in the intel­lec­tu­al life of this coun­try. For black, brown and yel­low peo­ple, Jews are white and there­fore mem­bers of the oppress­ing Estab­lish­ment; in the speech clin­ic that is the strug­gle of Amer­i­can minori­ties for self deter­mi­na­tion the Jew is looked at with increduli­ty when he enrolls for admis­sion. “You want self-deter­mi­na­tion? “black peo­ple are like­ly to ask us; “You’ve been deter­min­ing us!”

And so, before we can under­stand what must be done for Jew­ish­ness in Amer­i­ca, we shall have to con­front this fact of the inter­nal stut­ter of the Amer­i­can Jew — the destruc­tion of our his­to­ry, our cul­ture, and our per­son­al­i­ty by the dom­i­nant White Chris­t­ian cul­ture in the Unit­ed States-though, to be fair, not only in the Unit­ed States, but in every coun­try to which Enlight­en­ment brought some mea­sure of phys­i­cal secu­ri­ty with a con­comi­tant loss of cul­tur­al virginity.

Caught up total­ly in the mid­dle-class cul­ture of Amer­i­ca, the com­fort­able, neat­ly-pressed white Jew has found him­self march­ing in the con­tin­u­al Purim mas­quer­ade which has cam­ou­flaged his true, authen­tic, inte­grat­ed self through­out the cen­ten­nia of our exile in this Enlight­ened land.

When we do dis­cuss our Jew­ish­ness in pub­lic, we empha­size its insignif­i­cance by laugh­ing at it-we talk about chick­en soup and lox and bagels and we clev­er­ly reveal our hangup with our Jew­ish moth­ers. *You don’t have to be Jew­ish to Love Levy’s rye”, runs the New York sub­way ad, How cru­el that poster is! How­ev­er lit­tle we prayed or stud­ied, for a long time we tried to fool our­selves into believ­ing that eat­ing pas­tra­mi on rye was a very Jew­ish act. In degrad­ing our noble cul­ture to a heap­ing pas­tra­mi sand­wich, we are mak­ing fun of our­selves and den­i­grat­ing our past. How many of us have been with Gen­tiles who offer a patron­iz­ing smile when we empha­sized one or anoth­er dif­fer­ence between our reli­gions or our cul­tures? Too often we smile back, apol­o­giz­ing. Our self-den­i­grat­ing eth­nic jokes are real­ly lit­tle more than the Semit­ic ver­sion of singing and danc­ing Sam­bo, mak­ing pub­lic fun of his black­ness to hide his pri­vate shame.

All these self-effac­ing tac­tics should indi­cate to us that even in Amer­i­ca we have tried to hide our­selves, and a peo­ple which does that la a peo­ple which has come to accept the reign­ing cul­ture’s judge­ment that its cul­ture, its worth, is inferior—that it is, in short, an oppressed peo­ple. We have all grown up in a coun­try which believed that the Amer­i­can was to be a new sort of man, who had to be stripped of the con­spic­u­ous bag­gage of Euro­pean cul­ture. It was nec­es­sary to turn Poles, Irish, Ger­mans, Jews, and Ital­ians into Amer­i­cans, all with one com­mon cul­ture, stripped of those loy­al­ties to the past which might only divide them, removed from any ties to oth­er cul­tures. The only trou­ble was that the Found­ing Fathers were all from British cul­ture, and cast their image of the new Amer­i­can man in their own white Anglo-Sax­on light.

The instru­ment devised to effect this cul­tur­al lobot­o­my was the pub­lic school. Those immi­grant groups which could afford to pro­vide their own eth­nic or reli­gious school­ing might do so—but of course not on school time. One’s own her­itage was thus rel­e­gat­ed to the week­ends, in Into after­noons, when the old­er Amer­i­cans were out play­ing ball. “wiry shunt­ed so obvi­ous­ly to the side, one’s own cul­ture appeared clear­ly infe­ri­or to the Amer­i­can cul­ture being taught in the schools, and the frus­tra­tion of try­ing to cram the beau­ties of an ancient faith into the pit­tance of hours hand­ed down by the school sys­tem turned teach­ers, rab­bis, and prin­ci­pals into frus­trat­ed, angry tyrants try­ing to make Jews of their chil­dren while the school sys­tem was trying—and succeeding—to make Amer­i­cans of them. How else should these chil­dren respond but with anger—and flee this mar­gin­al, edu­ca­tion when­ev­er they got the chance? Respon­si­bil­i­ty for the abysmal. igno­rance of Amer­i­can Jews of their own her­itage lies not with the rab­bis and Hebrew school teachers(self-serving as that may sound!) but
in a nation­al cul­ture that sought to destroy the sep­a­rate cul­tures of its con­stituent peo­ples and chan­nel them into the cul­ture of those who first rose to author­i­ty in the school sys­tem: the White Anglo-Sax­on Protes­tants who impe­ri­ous­ly believed that their past was the only Amer­i­can past.

As a result of this cul­tur­al impe­ri­al­ism, we Jews in the Unit­ed States may jus­ti­fi­ably con­sid­er our­selves a cul­tur­al­ly oppressed minority—as, of course, may every eth­nic or reli­gious group in Amer­i­ca except the White Anglo-Sax­on Protes­tants. I speak of cul­tur­al oppres­sion rather than reli­gious oppres­sion because the pub­lic school does not pre­vent us, as indi­vid­ual Jews, from prac­tic­ing our religion—outside the school of course. But the pub­lic schools do pre­vent us, as a group, from incul­cat­ing in our chil­dren the idea that one of the ways to be an Amer­i­can is to be a Jew. They have more fre­quent­ly been taught that the only way to be an Amer­i­can is to drop one’s spe­cial pre-Amer­i­can cul­ture with the result that the pre-Amer­i­cana remain­ing in them has often become a hate­ful, crip­pling residue, to be excised as thor­ough­ly as pos­si­ble. The only prob­lem is that for the Jew to excise his Jew­ish­ness, as we have seen, he must destroy a part of himself.

What has been the effect of this oppres­sion of the Jew­ish her­itage in Amer­i­ca? It has allied Amer­i­can Jews to two great, but, I would sug­gest, ulti­mate­ly self-destruc­tive myths. One is the myth of our­selves as under con­stant siege, always check­ing our armor, always look­ing for pos­si­ble ene­mies. As a result, two things hap­pen: every­one else becomes not a per­son but a poten­tial ene­my for whom one must always be on guard, and one runs the risk of turn­ing into the armor he is always check­ing, so defen­sive that even­tu­al­ly he for­gets the val­ues he was once

In what way is this sense of being under siege a myth? It orig­i­nates as a response to 2000 years of pogroms and destruc­tions which were sure­ly not a myth, begin­ning with the attack by King Amalek on the strag­gling slaves leav­ing Egypt. It is a mitz­vah to remem­ber Amalek until eter­ni­ty, earnest­ly work­ing to wipe out every trace of him. Severe oppres­sors of the Jews—Haman, Anti­ochus, Hadri­an, Hitler—have all been rec­og­nized, upon unmask­ing, as the Amalek of the com­mand­ment, and once rec­og­nized, have been the object of all the zeal inher­ent both in obey­ing the will of God and pre­vent­ing one’s own destruc­tion. Some­times, unfor­tu­nate­ly, by the time the mask was tak­en off, the oppres­sor had done his work.

After Hitler, Jews have become deter­mined no longer to be deceived by masks. But as Jews have had their own iden­ti­ty prob­lems in the Dias­po­ra, so has Amalek—sometimes Amalek lurked behind the mask; some­times what seemed a mask was not. But since it is safer to assume that a man who may be speak­ing against Jews is, we have some­times tend­ed to see Amalek behind every blowhard, and raise our spears when the prop­er response would be to shake our grag­gers. Too often, attacks on indi­vid­ual Jews have been inter­pret­ed as attacks on the whole Jew­ish community—at which times the Amalek myth can become dis­tortive and destruc­tive. While we hes­i­tate to rec­og­nize our­selves as a cul­tur­al­ly oppressed minor­i­ty, at least in part for the rea­sons stat­ed above, we hearti­ly embrace the Amalek myth because it is, per­verse­ly, very sat­is­fy­ing. By iso­lat­ing one man, or one group of peo­ple, we can grasp the vague uneasi­ness we feel, shape it into rec­og­niz­able form, and shout “Amalek” at it until it is forced to retreat. In a sense this is the oth­er side of the coin of anti-Semi­tism: it is mak­ing one of those who hate us (or who hate some of us) into the scape­goat for the real source of our oppres­sion, which can become just as diver­sion­ary and obfus­cat­ing as anti-Semi­tism itself.

There is anoth­er myth that hounds us, and not us alone, but many groups in Amer­i­ca who have found some kind of eco­nom­ic and per­son­al secu­ri­ty. The Unit­ed States was found­ed by men who believed that the only social and polit­i­cal enti­ty was the individual—and that as an Amer­i­can he was a new kind of per­son, torn from his past, with rights per­tain­ing to him for no oth­er rea­son than that he was a human being, cre­at­ed (how­ev­er abstract­ly) by God. The Bill of Rights pro­tects the indi­vid­ual, and it has led to a cer­tain notion in Amer­i­can life that the indi­vid­ual is supreme, that the only real rights in this coun­try are indi­vid­ual ones. With the enforce­ment by the Supreme Court of the prin­ci­ple of one man, one vote, the last ves­tiges of group rights (whether class or eco­nom­ic groups) present in the Con­sti­tu­tion are dis­ap­pear­ing just at the time that the whole notion of the absolute rights of the indi­vid­ual are being thrown into ques­tion. For the pri­vatism that afflicts so many Amer­i­cans has led them to say: my job, my admis­sion to col­lege, my per­son­al free­dom to run my busi­ness as I choose, to enter the busi­ness I choose, is an absolute right. Every­one rIse has the same freedom—all men are cre­at­ed equal, aren’t they? But al course some men, hav­ing shared cer­tain expe­ri­ences, by choice or force, are more or less able to take advan­tage of that free­dom, because while God cre­ates all men equal, man has forced oth­er men into envi­ron­ments with unequal advan­tages or dis­abil­i­ties. We are only grad­u­al­ly com­ing to real­ize that a man is not mere­ly a man, but also a mem­ber of a group, and to treat him only as a man and not as a mem­ber of a group as well may be to give him unequal treat­ment. One man, one vote may deny equal rights to men in dis­ad­van­taged groups.

How can we explode these myths, and defuse the dan­ger­ous con­fronta­tion of indi­vid­ual rights with group rights which now threat­ens to tear Amer­i­ca apart? Let me sug­gest two false solutions—for Amer­i­can Jews, at any rate—and two which I think are sound. The false ones first: one is, that the Amer­i­can myth of absolute rights for the indi­vid­ual is true; my right to live my life as I please is an absolute one. By sup­port­ing the caus­es of job secu­ri­ty, admis­sion to col­lege sole­ly on the basis of aca­d­e­m­ic mer­it, and the inno­cence (or at best irrel­e­vance) of Jew­ish mer­chants who exploit in the ghet­to, some peo­ple in the Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty are equat­ing the absolute­ness of indi­vid­ual rights with Jew­ish sur­vival. Of course oth­er solu­tions are suggested—to build larg­er col­leges, to reg­u­late the con­duct of all busi­ness in the ghet­to-but these are long-range solu­tions; in the short run, to see the issue in terms of indi­vid­ual sur­vival ver­sus group sur­vival may well be ter­ri­bly self-destructive.

Along with this idea that indi­vid­ual rights are absolute comes the sec­ond false solu­tion to the prob­lem of oppres­sion in Amer­i­ca, one par­tic­u­lar­ly favored by Amer­i­can Jews on the left–to get out of the way. Since Jews are much less oppressed than oth­er groups in this soci­ety, such peo­ple say, blacks and oth­er “vis­i­ble minori­ties” should be allowed to do what­ev­er they want, and Jews who are accused of stand­ing in their way should, like some of the young civ­il rights work­ers of the ear­ly 60’s, fight for the rights of blacks and ignore what many Jew­ish activists con­sid­er their own irrel­e­vant and super­an­nu­at­ed cul­ture. Jew­ish rad­i­cals who deny the rights of their own peo­ple betray the same psy­cho­log­i­cal dis­or­ders as those clos­er to the mid­dle who change their names and short­en their noses. Albert Mem­mi, in The Lib­er­a­tion of the Jew, has some telling words for this self-denial on the part of Jew­ish leftists:

I was inter­est­ed in a lot more than just the Jews, but I did not see why I should be dis­in­ter­est­ed in them. When the pro­le­tari­at fights, it fights quite nat­u­ral­ly for itself; who would have dreamed of reproach­ing them for it? Why would I have been of the Left if I myself did not suf­fer from seri­ous injuries? The Jew­ish rev­o­lu­tion­ary has no clear con­cep­tion of whether he is strug­gling for a world in which alleged par­tic­u­larisms must dis­ap­pear or for the sal­va­tion of all par­tic­u­larisms, each one entire­ly respect­ed, each one con­tribut­ing its own voice to the gen­er­al concert.

Albert Mem­mi, in The Lib­er­a­tion of the Jew

It is in this direc­tion, then, that the prop­er solu­tion must lie, for the Jew and for all whose her­itage and cul­ture have been raped by white (and often Chris­t­ian) impe­ri­al­ism. In the nine­teenth cen­tu­ry, two dif­fer­ing solu­tions arose–one, the Zion­ist, which held that oppres­sion of the Jews was endem­ic to the Dias­po­ra, and not until the Jews estab­lished their own polit­i­cal hege­mo­ny in their own land would anti-Semi­tism cease and the full, cre­ative devel­op­ment of the Jew­ish peo­ple begin. Ear­li­er in the cen­tu­ry, the Reform move­ment had posit­ed anoth­er way; for Jews to work for a bet­ter life for all men as full cit­i­zens of coun­tries in the Dias­po­ra, car­ry­ing out the mis­sion of a prophet peo­ple striv­ing to bring all men to the mes­sian­ic age of which the prophets dreamed.

Of these two clas­sic approach­es to the prob­lem of Jew­ish exis­tence, Zion­ism and Reform, is either applic­a­ble in our own time?

Obvi­ous­ly Zion­ism has proved its claim for most of the coun­tries on this globe where Jews have lived and been expelled, exter­mi­nat­ed, or oppressed. But by their unwill­ing­ness phys­i­cal­ly to share that des­tiny, Amer­i­can Jews have not grant­ed the Zion­ist the­sis its final proof. Though sure­ly not in com­mand of our own des­tiny in the Unit­ed States, we have lived here for over three hun­dred years with greater secu­ri­ty and lib­er­ty than in any oth­er coun­try. Nonethe­less, one would think that Jews whose sole con­cern was the sur­vival of the Jew­ish peo­ple would go where that peo­ple needs them most, name­ly, to Israel, while only those of us would remain in Amer­i­ca who wish the Jew­ish peo­ple to help lib­er­ate oth­er peo­ples even as we are lib­er­at­ing our­selves. Only the Amer­i­can Jew who can break through the stu­por of his sub­ju­ga­tion to “the Amer­i­can way” will be able to see that these are his only alternatives—and that they are two sides of the same coin. Most of us live pri­mar­i­ly for our own plea­sures, try­ing to do an hon­est day’s work, but lack­ing much real con­cern to work for the cre­ation of our com­mu­ni­ty beyond what is fre­quent­ly gen­er­ous sup­port to Israel and the local Wel­fare Fund. Israel needs finan­cial support—but she needs human sup­port even more. For our bod­ies to reside in the Unit­ed States and our souls in Israel makes us par­a­sites of both coun­tries: of the Unit­ed States because we are less involved than we should be in cre­at­ing a just, respon­sive gov­ern­ment which will reflect the needs of its con­stituent com­mu­ni­ties; and of Israel, because despite all the mon­ey we give her, we are still using her for our own spir­i­tu­al “nachas”, and deny­ing her what she wants most from us, which is our set­tle­ment. If we are con­cerned only for Jew­ish sur­vival, we should set­tle in Israel; if we decide to remain in the Unit­ed States, we have a respon­si­bil­i­ty to work for the wel­fare of all her con­stituent com­mu­ni­ties, and not mere­ly for a sta­tus quo which inter­prets the preser­va­tion of Amer­i­can crea­ture com­forts and indi­vid­ual lib­er­ties as “Jew­ish survival.”

So long as we insist on see­ing our­selves as indi­vid­u­als only we shall be blind to the fact of our peoplehood—blind to the need to work toward the cre­ation of a vital, self-deter­mined, inte­grat­ed Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty whether in Israel, where that work is well under way, or in the Unit­ed States, where it has hard­ly begun.

The Israeli would say that it can­not be begun in the Unit­ed States, that in any coun­try in the Dias­po­ra Jews are doomed to live as iso­lat­ed indi­vid­u­als, unable to affect their own (or any­one else’s) cul­tur­al, polit­i­cal, or eco­nom­ic lib­er­a­tion, because all sig­nif­i­cant deci­sions in those spheres will always be made for them by the major­i­ty. But we have nev­er, in Amer­i­ca, real­ly put that belief to the test. Because the Unit­ed States was set­tled by many dif­fer­ent eth­nic groups, Jews have nev­er been a minor­i­ty here in the sense that we have been else­where: indeed if we could view Amer­i­ca as a land of many dif­fer­ent groups, we would real­ize that the whole notion of a “minor­i­ty” does not real­ly apply. What Mem­mi calls “the sal­va­tion of all par­tic­u­larisms” might well suc­ceed in the Unit­ed States, though it has nev­er real­ly been tried—but we have entered upon a time when it is pos­si­ble to attempt it. The cry for black pow­er to black peo­ple, brown pow­er to brown peo­ple, white pow­er to white peo­ple is a slo­gan pos­si­ble of ful­fill­ment in a coun­try begin­ning to real­ize that groups have rights as well as individuals.

This is not a coun­try of blacks and whites—it is a coun­try of blacks and browns and yel­lows and reds and olives and blonds and all sorts of hues and nation­al­i­ties and eth­noi blacks who for gen­er­a­tions have passed as white or “high-yel­low” are now real­iz­ing that they are black:
we inter­nal stut­ter­ers, we Jews who have passed for white too long, are start­ing too to recall our mul­tira­cial her­itage. Moses’ wife was black, and the hero­ine of the Song of Songs announces that she is black and beau­ti­ful; they are our ances­tors. Some anthro­pol­o­gists have
deter­mined that Jews around the world derive from a com­mon Pales­tin­ian stock, and that despite the many peo­ples with whom we have inter­min­gled, Jews can still trace their ori­gins to two basic non-white strains, the Semit­ic-Ori­en­tal and the West­ern Asi­at­ic. The Dias­po­ra that pro­duced Cau­casian Jews in Europe also pro­duced Jews in North Africa who are brown, in Ethiopia black, and in Chi­na yel­low. It is Amer­i­ca which has told us we are white, and that our lot was with the white man, but it is white Amer­i­can cul­ture which has cas­trat­ed our own.

And so the gaunt­let has been thrown down for Jews in Amer­i­ca: either make aliyah to Israel, and par­tic­i­pate in the upbuild­ing of the Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty on our own soil, or join the grand exper­i­ment for a tru­ly plu­ral­is­tic, self-deter­min­ing, mul­ti-faceted cul­ture in the Unit­ed States, work­ing to build a Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty that will wrest its des­tiny from a non-exis­tent white “major­i­ty” and take con­trol of its own cul­tur­al, eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal life. We can­not mask the needs of indi­vid­ual Jews as a strug­gle for Jew­ish sur­vival: we must come to know the needs of Jews so that togeth­er we can devel­op a sig­nif­i­cant Jew­ish cul­ture in the Unit­ed States, a cul­ture not only built upon the past, but act­ing out in the present the social con­cern implic­it in Jew­ish law, explor­ing in our lit­er­a­ture, art, and music, the mean­ing of being a Jew in this coun­try in this world at this time. If we choose the lat­ter it means that we must weigh our needs vis-a-vis the needs of oth­er groups in the Unit­ed States, and work out togeth­er the ways in which we may each, in the same coun­try, ful­fill our sep­a­rate particularity.

One last chance remains, for Jews who decide to remain in Amer­i­ca, to ful­fill the Reform­ers’ mis­sion of bring­ing on the world we all desire. To under­take it means to explore the depths to which our ancient her­itage has been ground up by Amer­i­can cul­ture into the bland pap which sick­ens our chil­dren and amus­es our mid­dle-aged. To under­take it means to over­come the con­vic­tion of so many of our peo­ple that Jew­ish­ness is not to be tak­en seri­ous­ly, either because it is infe­ri­or to Amer­i­can cul­ture, or because it is too nar­row for a man of human con­cerns. To under­take it means to intro­duce our peo­ple to their her­itage in ways we have not tried before, or in ways that have lain for­got­ten for mil­len­nia. To under­take it means to help each oth­er build new struc­tures through which our dif­fer­ing con­cep­tions of Jew­ish­ness can be expressed. Thus revi­tal­ized, we may join with oth­er peo­ples to over­throw the tyran­ny of what we have too long been taught is the true “Amer­i­can” cul­ture, and togeth­er estab­lish a soci­ety in which the cul­tures of all its peo­ples, Jews and WASPS, blacks and yel­lows, may live whole, pro­found, con­cerned lives beneath the sun which nour­ished all of them, exploit­ing none, hat­ing none, with rev­er­ence for all.

דוקא/DAVKA (the jour­nal) Nov. — Dec. 1970 — Vol. I No. 1 — The Ills of Amer­i­can Jew­ry (pages 4–11)