
Some significant dates:

Sto­ries about these dates will appear in the blog as time per­mits. Most dates list­ed here use the Gre­go­ri­an cal­en­dar, though I enjoy using, and liv­ing by, the Hebrew cal­en­dar as much as pos­si­ble. I do this not out of “nation­al­ist” or “parochial” inter­ests, though I’m cer­tain they play some role. Rather, I do this because I like feel­ing both the solar and the lunar cycles in my life.

What time is it on the moon?

[the code is here, but not displaying]

What is the current moon phase?


“Sources of the Sev­en-Day Week”, by Leland S. Copeland (pub­lished in Pop­u­lar Astron­o­my, April 1939


The Wikipedia arti­cle on Swatch Inter­net Time Swatch Inter­net time now has code for dis­play­ing the time (but it’s not updating). 

UTC at page generation (  update )
24-hour time @beat time
17:39:57 @777.74

Some use­ful Hebrew cal­en­dar tools on the Web

An Islam­ic to Chris­t­ian cal­en­dar con­vert­er. Note that they use “Chris­t­ian” and not “Gre­go­ri­an”. With the tools above, it’s a two-step process to con­vert a date from the Hebrew cal­en­dar to the Islam­ic calendar.


© Mark Hurvitz
Last mod­i­fied Sep­tem­ber 17, 2020 (28 Elul 5780)