Tuesday, July 20, 1999 We Were Especially Glad to Arrive

ISRAEL TOUR July 19 - August 2, 1999

Temple Adat Shalom Congregational tour hosted by Rabbi Deborah R. Prinz and Rabbi Mark Hurvitz and guided by Walter Zanger

Everyone seemed especially glad to arrive.


We waited too long to get our passports checked.

Jeff waited as patiently as possible.

Jeff, Linda and Nathan Figler.

Nancy Flexer with Jeffrey and Karen Friedenberg.

Lee Fowler with Karalee Conover.

Dennis and Jane Masur.

Roberta Robinson with Brian and Danny Wilson.

Lloyd and Carole Trilling with Aaron.

After getting married only ten days earlier, the Menns (Stuart and Charmaigne) arrived (from Italy) at the airport as we waited to in the passport line

The Spiers (Morris and Alice) had also left earlier. They had explored Turkey on their way to Israel and had arrived at the hotel the day before. They were relaxing by the pool when we arrived.

Back to Israel Tour Yesterday Tomorrow


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Despite Everything - Davka
A Starting Point

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