Travel to Oaxaca
Sunday December 14, 2008

Our flight to Mexico left JFK at 8:35 AM which of course means that we got up and started much earlier. Our flight via Cancun was uneventful… though there was some oddity about getting off the plane, going through customs and security and then back through the terminal before re-boarding the plane. On arrival in Mexico City, we had trouble finding the correct baggage area only to find that Mark’s suitcase was lost. We stopped for a moment in the Mayordomo chocolate shop in the terminal, drank a sampler of hot chocolate. Debbie also tasted what she thought was souffle to find out, of course, that it was mole. After competing the appropriate forms for delivery of the bag, we found the “official taxi to Terminal TAPO” then boarded a Volvo bus equipped with video tapes and drinks for the 6-hour air conditioned ride to Oaxaca. A short distance outside Mexico City we saw the sun setting in the west behind a smoking volcano (that Mark thinks he saw also from the airplane).

A short while later, the nearly full moon appeared on the other side of the bus and continued to rise as we drove further south.

Miriam and Luis met us at the bus station in Oaxaca a few minutes after our arrival, long enough for Debbie to explore the local chain chocolate shop, again Mayordomo. They were grinding cocoa beans in the "mill." Fun to watch.

Before we went to bed, following a long day of traveling, Luis prepared for us some Mexican style hot chocolate to drink while Miriam set the table with some lovely local pastries.

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