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A Growing Haggadah is not currently available except, perhaps, from selected bookstores across North America that still have stock. It has been edited and updated (almost) annually for over twenty years. Now, one of the oldest Haggadot on the Web, this hypertext version of the Haggadah has been posted and maintained for your pleasure and edification.

The version on the WWW differs from the printed version in a variety of ways.

The electronic version can change at any time and already has since it was first posted on March 7, 1996. It can be read both linearly and hypertextually. The hypertext links connect various parts of the Haggadah and they also lead out from the Haggadah to the rest of the WWW.

The printed version is static, changes (at most) annually and is designed for linear reading.

Designed for home use, the egalitarian text of the Haggadah follows the traditional order of the Seder and encourages families to expand on the telling of the story. Among its special features for young children are word search puzzles. It includes pages for children to draw and adults to visualize on such as: "What shapes and colors do you imagine when you think of slavery?" Additional questions including: "Who can you name who gave their life in the struggle for freedom?" spark discussion. The four questions appear in Hebrew (all Hebrew text [except the full Hallel] appears in transliteration), Yiddish, Ladino, Russian and Japanese as well as English.

The printed version of the Haggadah also includes American, Israeli and Yiddish folk songs that relate to Passover.

How to Buy Your Own Copy

A PDF version of the file might be made available (on request)

Mark Hurvitz

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Last modified February 23, 2007